
The following Minnesota Chapter of the American Marketing Association (sbf111胜博发 Minnesota) 使用条款 apply to the sbf111胜博发 Minnesota website located at v6rx.eandg.net and all of the chapter’s social media channels. These 使用条款 describe what you can access and how you can 使用 our website, 信息, 和材料. By using this website, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS.


We may change these policies from time to time by updating this page. Your continued 使用 of this site after we post any revised policy means that you accept our revised policy.


sbf111胜博发 Minnesota is a Minnesota Not for Profit Corporation with its principal office at 1027 West Roselawn Avenue Roseville, MN 55113. sbf111胜博发 Minnesota is the official professional chapter of the American Marketing Association (sbf111胜博发) in the State of Minnesota.

sbf111胜博发 is an Illinois Not for Profit Corporation with its principal offices at 311 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 5800; Chicago, IL 60606; (800) sbf111胜博发-1150 or (312) 542-9000. 美国医学协会的官方网站是:www.ama.org


This website is owned and operated by sbf111胜博发 Minnesota. sbf111胜博发明尼苏达拥有所有sbf111胜博发明尼苏达, MINNESOTA CHAPTER OF THE 美国市场营销协会, and various other sbf111胜博发 Minnesota trade names, 商标, and service marks and reserves all rights to such marks. This website and all 材料 appearing on it are protected by copyright and may not be 使用d without our prior written permission.

sbf111胜博发, 美国市场营销协会, MARKETINGPOWER and various sbf111胜博发 trade names, 商标 and service marks are property of the sbf111胜博发 and may not be 使用d without permission.

Any other 商标 or copyrighted 材料 appearing on the website are the property of their respective owners and may not be 使用d without permission.

You may access and 使用 the 材料 and 信息 on our website as it appears there for your own personal 使用, 教育的进步, 或者专业发展. Any 材料 that you download for your own 使用 must maintain all copyright or other notices. 除非我们明确允许, 再分配, 重传, 商业开发, 链接, 严禁作其他用途.

You shall not copy or edit the 材料, or integrate them into any other media. You shall not claim ownership or authorship, or otherwise 使用 the 材料 except as we expressly permit. 你不得侵入我们的网站, or otherwise gain unauthorized access to or make improper 使用 of our content or website.


We provide you access to the 信息 和材料 on our site “AS IS” basis without any representations or warranties. sbf111胜博发 Minnesota EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, 明示或暗示, 包括所有权保证, 适销性, 或适合某一特定目的. We reserve the right to amend or withdraw our 信息, 材料, 并随时服务,恕不另行通知. We are not responsible or liable for any interruption or discontinuation of the website. We also have the right to terminate your access to all or part of our website without notice. While we offer a wide variety of 使用ful 信息, 材料, 和服务, 我们不保证内容, 你获得职位的能力, 或者在事业上取得进步. By using this site, you confirm that you have not relied on any of its content.


sbf111胜博发, sbf111胜博发 Minnesota shall not be liable for any damages, 包括特殊, 附带或间接损害赔偿, or lost profits that are in anyway related to the distribution, 使用, or inability to 使用 the 信息 or 材料 on this website, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. 无论如何, our total liability is limited to the amount, 如果有任何, that you actually paid us for accessing this website.


We occasionally link to third party sites. This is to provide you with additional 信息 but does not mean that we endorse or are otherwise affiliated with such websites. We have no responsibility for the content or activities on those sites.


You are responsible for complying with the laws of the jurisdiction wherever you are located, and you agree that you will not access or 使用 this site, 它的信息, 或违反这些法律的材料.


We may revise these terms at any time without notice. By continuing to access and 使用 this site, you consent to these policies. Your obligations may not be sublicensed or assigned without our prior permission. These policies constitute the entire agreement between us governing your access and 使用 of our site and 它的信息 and material. If any provision of these policies is unenforceable, it shall be modified to provide sbf111胜博发 Minnesota with the greatest protection possible. Your obligations to respect our intellectual property (商标, 版权, website content) continue even after you stop using the site or our 材料.

These policies are governed by the laws of Minnesota, and any dispute between us shall be brought in the state or federal courts located in St. 保罗,明尼苏达州. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of those courts. If you have violated or threatened to violate these policies, we may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief against you; this is in addition to any claims for damages that we may have. You agree to pay all of our costs of enforcement, including reasonable attorney fees.


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